Stacey Dash is "fighting the good fight" y'all. Check out the extra awkward pic the actress just tweeted with VP candidate Paul Ryan inside...
The Clueless actress is back to campaigning for the Romney/Ryan ticket. And we're back to waiting for her to give one actual reason--like a policy she actually knows about that they want to enforce--as to why.
So in an odd pic posted on her Twitter account today, Stacey posed it up with Paul Ryan at some type of press conference....and Ryan looks like he just found out her name an hour ago. Stacey tweeted:
Fighting the good fight. Godspeed. @reppaulryan @MittRomney #Romney/Ryan20
Why do we get the feeling Stacey is the Varsity cheerleader accidentally cheering for the team that just made a touchdown and she didn't realize her school was actually on defense?
But do you boo.